Fu Song

Associate Professor (Tenured)

School of Information Science and Technology

ShanghaiTech University

Contact     Publications     Software     Bio     CV     Teaching     Current Students     Research     Reading Event Schedule     Deadlines

Contact Information
Email: , songfu1983(at)gmail.com(permanent)
Tel: +86-(0)21-20685397
Office: Room A-504.C, SIST Building 1, No.393 Huaxia Middle Road, Pudong Area Shanghai.
My ha-index: 73
ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-0581-2679

Biographical Sketch
Fu Song is an Associate Professor (Tenured) at School of Information Science and Technology in the ShanghaiTech University. Fu received his Ph.D. from University Paris Diderot(Paris 7) in 2013. He was an Associate Research Professor and Lecturer at School of Computer Science and Software Engineering in the East China Normal University (2013-2016), and a visiting researcher at Computer Security Lab of Nanyang Technological University in 2014. Fu's paper (TACAS 2012) on malware detection won the EASST best paper award at ETAPS 2012.
His research group develops theory and tools to aid the construction of provably dependable and secure systems. His interests are related to Formal Methods (see A Framework for Formal Analysis), cybersecurity (of software and ML/DL systems), Programming Languages and Multi-Agent systems.
For model checking algorithms and tools, we are developing model checkers support automated reasoning about various systems (e.g., recursive, concurrent and programs, multi-agent systems and so on), and investigating foundation problems of related automata and logics (e.g., FSTTCS 2014, CONCUR 2015, SSCI 2017). We have developed model checker PuMoC for pushdown systems, Boolean programs, Java/C/C++ programs (e.g., CONCUR 2011&2015, ASE 2012).
For cybersecurity, we are working at malware modeling, detection, classification and generation with the focus on desktop/Android malwares. We have proposed novel type-based and model-counting based approaches for verifying masked cryptographic implementations (e.g., CAV 2018, TACAS 2019, ACM TOSEM, IEEE TSE). We have developed a model-checking based malware detector POMMADE (e.g., ESEC/FSE 2013, TACAS 2012&2013, FM 2012). We are developing tools for vulnerability modeling and detection using (both static and dynamic) program analysis and machine/deep learning on source and binary code (e.g. ICSE 2016). We are developing tools for phishing website detection using machine/deep learning (cf. YSECURE), and investigating defense and attack of machine/deep learning (e.g., IEEE S&P 2021).
For multi-agent systems, we are working on the topics related to formal modeling, specificaiton and verification of various multi-agent systems (e.g., AAAI 2016, IJCAI 2016, AAAI 2019).
For programming languages, we are working on formal semantics, type rules and static analysis framework for Rust, an alternative to C/C++ for systems programming, and automated test-case generation techniques for Javascript programs.

Current Ph.D Students
Current Master Students
  • Mingyang Liu(2020.09-)
  • Qi Qin(2020.09-)
    • Bachelor Thesis: Symbolic Execution based Cross-Architecture Binary Code Similary Analysis
    • Publications: [ESEC/FSE 2022]
  • Yuxin Fan(2020.09-)
    • Bachelor Thesis: Automated Verification of Secure Public Function in Secure Multi-party Computation Programs
    • Publications: [CAV 2022]
  • Huiyu Tan(2020.09-)
  • Shi Pu(2021.09-)
  • Weijie Shao(2021.09-)
  • Hongyi Xie(2021.09-)
  • JulianAndres JiYang(2021.09-)
    • Bachelor Thesis: Mitigation Techniques for JIT Timing Side-Channel Attacks
    • Publications: [ESEC/FSE 2022]
Visiting Researcher and Students
Research Projects
Current Projects
  • Natural Science Foundation of China Key Program Project (PI,2021.01-2024.12): Key Problem Study for Secure Implementation of Masked Programs.
Past Projects
  • NSFC-DFG international joint Project (co-PI,2018.01-2020.12): Detecting Anomalies in Reactive Systems.
  • Natural Science Foundation of China Key Program Project (co-PI,2016.01-2020.12): Model Checking Large Scale Probabilistic and Concurrent Timed Systems.
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (2016.01-2019.12): Research on Key Technologies of Information Security and Privacy Preservation for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks and Vehicular Cloud.
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (2015.01-2018.12): Research on modelling and model checking of CPS stochastic behaviors.
  • CCF-NSFOCUS "Kunpeng" Program Project (PI,2017.09-2018.09): Learning based Phishing Sites: Detection, Classification and Adversary.
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (PI,2015.01-2017.12): Research on Static Analysis and Detection of Malwares.
  • Pujiang Talent Project of the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee (PI,2014.07-2016.06): Static Analysis of Complex Binary Executable.
  • Chenguang Program of Education Commission of Shanghai Municipality (PI,2015.01-2016.12): Model Checking Algorithms for Binary Executable.
  • Natural Science Foundation of China Key Program Project (2015.01-2016.12): Key Problem Study for Construction of Trustworthy China Subway Control System (iCMTCt) in Uncertain Environment.