Title: Mobile Data Offloading

We are witnessing an unprecedented worldwide growth of mobile data traffic. However, traditional network expansion methods by acquiring more spectrum licenses, deploying new macrocells, and upgrading technologies are costly and time-consuming. Clearly, network operators must find novel methods to resolve the mismatch between demand and supply growth, and mobile data offloading appears as one of the most attractive solutions. Mobile data offloading is the use of complementary network technologies, such as WiFi and femtocell, for delivering data traffic originally targeted for cellular networks. In this talk, we will survey the opportunities and challenges of mobile data offloading, and introduce our recent results on the design of optimal delayed offloading protocols and offloading market mechanisms. A three-hour tutorial version of this talk can be found at http://jianwei.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/Files/MDO-Tutorial.pdf

Speaker Bio:

Jianwei Huang is an Associate Professor and Director of the Network Communications and Economics Lab (ncel.ie.cuhk.edu.hk) in the Department of Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. degree from Northwestern University in 2005, and worked as a Postdoc Research Associate at Princeton University during 2005-2007. 

Dr. Huang is the co-recipient of 7 Best Paper Awards, including IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications in 2011, and Best Paper Awards from IEEE WiOpt 2014, IEEE WiOpt 2013, IEEE SmartGridComm 2012, WiCON 2011, IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, and APCC 2009. He received the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2009. He has co-authored three books: "Wireless Network Pricing," "Monotonic Optimization in Communication and Networking Systems," and "Cognitive Mobile Virtual Network Operator Games."  He has also co-authored four "ESI Highly Cited Papers," which are among the 1% top papers in terms of citations within the field of Computer Science according to Web of Science.

Dr. Huang has served as the Editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Cognitive Radio Series, Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Guest Editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications special issue on "Economics of Communication Networks and Systems", Lead Guest Editor of IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications special issue on "Game Theory in Communication Systems", and Lead Guest Editor of IEEE Communications Magazine Feature Topic on "Communications Network Economics". He has served as the Editor (2012-2013) and Associate Editor-in-Chief (2014) of IEEE Communications Society Technology News, the Vice Chair (2010-2012) and Chair (2012-2014) of IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Communications Technical Committee, a Steering Committee Member of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2012-2014) and IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (2012-2014), and Chair of Meeting and Conference Committee (2012-2013) and Vice Chair of Technical Affairs Committee (2014-2015) of IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Board. He has served as the TPC Co-Chair of IEEE SDP 2015, NetGCoop 2014, IEEE SmartGridComm Demand Response and Dynamic Pricing Symposium 2014, IEEE GLOBECOM Selected Areas of Communications Symposium 2013, IEEE WiOpt 2012, IEEE ICCC Communication Theory and Security Symposium 2012, IEEE GlOBECOM Wireless Communications Symposium 2010, IWCMC Mobile Computing Symposium 2010, and GameNets 2009. He is a frequent TPC member of leading conferences such as INFOCOM and MobiHoc. He is a senior member of IEEE.