Lab Contents

Week Labs Objectives Main Contents
1 Lab0 Introduction of the Lab 1.Familiar with the rules of the Lab and the working rules of the students.
2.Have a preliminary understanding of the software that will be used in the lab.
3.Create a simple data flow following the curriculum rules, and do the simulation.
Setup License, Create a Workspace, Design Environment, Set Up Analysis, Part Selector, Start Designing, Run Analysis, Visualization of Analysis/Simulation Results
3 Lab1 Generation of the Basic Signals 1.Generate basic signals by SystemVue, including Sine, Ramp, Unit-step, Impulse, Exponential and Complex Exponential signals.
2.Find out the relationship of Ramp, Unit-step and Impulse signals.
3.Understand the difference between timed and untimed signal.
4.Know the method of showing the different component of signal.
Sine Signal, Ramp Signal, Impulse Signal, Unit-step Signa,l Complex Exponential Signal, Exponential Signal, General Parameters of Sources, Graph Display Setting, Relationship of Ramp, Unit-step and Impulse, Other Signal Sources
5 Lab2 Basic Signal Operation 1.Master the usage of basic signal operations, including adder, constant multiplier and delay.
2.Construct unconventional signals with signal operation.
3.Observe the wave and characteristic of different windows by viewing the graph.
4.Using the advanced columns of graph to display several signal in the same time.
Add, Constant Multiplier, Delay, Multiply, Windowing, Advanced Columns of Graph, Settings of SpectrumAnalyzer
7 Lab 3 Time Domain and Frequency Domain 1.Use Matlab script in SystemVue by adding an equation.
2.Introduce the external signals into SystemVue for analyzing.
3.Analysis an audio signal in both time and frequency domain to understand the difference of the two domains.
4.Observe the white Gaussian noise, verify the characteristics of white Gaussian noise.
Generate an Audio Signal, Import Matlab to SystemVue, Add an Equation, Introduce an External Signal, MATLAB_Script, White Gaussian Noise, Matlab Function Used in Lab 3
9 Lab 4 Fourier Transform 1.Try to form the square wave by sinusoid signal under the guidance of Fourier theory.
2.Do FFT and inverse FFT within SystemVue. Compare the result with SpectrumAnalyzer.
3.Learn the use of net connect.
4.Learn to adjust the order of the sequences.
Fourier Analysis, FFT, Net Connection, Adjust the Order of Sequence, View the Magnitude and Phase
11 Lab 5 Sampling and Reconstruction 1.Learn to convert an analog signal to a discrete-time sequence via sampling.
2.Be able to construct an analog signal from a discrete-time sequence.
3.Understand the conditions when a sampled signal can uniquely present its analog counterpart.
Sampling, Nyquist Sampling Theorem, Sampling of Non Band Limited Signal, Signal Reconstruction, Pulse Generator, Filter
13-14 Lab 6-Lab 7 Comprehensive Experiment 1.In accordace with the previously knowledge, introduce an audio into SystemVue for processing.
2.Try to process an audio with white Gaussian noise with filters. Play to check the effect.
3.Change the sample rate of the audio, from 44.1 kHz to 48 kHz. Play to check the effect.
Preparation, Produce an Audio with White Gaussian Noise, Change the Sample Rate, Control the Play Times


1. SystemVue

2. EE150