Hao Wang (王浩)

Ph.D., Associate Professor
School of Information Science and Technology
ShanghaiTech University

Rm. A-401, SIST Bldg. 2,
393 Middle Huaxia Rd, Shanghai 201210, China
Phone: +86-21-2068 5389
E-mail: wanghao1@shanghaitech.edu.cn, haw309@gmail.com


I received my B.S. & M.S. in Mathematics from Beihang University, Beijing, in 2007 and 2009, respectively, and Ph.D. degree from the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA in 2015. I was with ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research Lab in 2012, Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab in 2014, and GroupM R&D in 2015. Since 2016, I was a tenure-track assistant professor in the School of Information Science and Technology at ShanghaiTech University, and promoted to associate professor in 2023.

  Research Interests

My research revolves around the area of nonlinear optimization as well as its applications in various disciplines, such as operations research, computer science, and statistics. The majority of my work involves designing algorithms, analyzing convergence, and developing software. I am currently working on the following topics.

  Papers under review

  • Kexin Li, Luwei Bai, Xiao Wang, Hao Wang*, “ Anderson Acceleration in Nonsmooth Problems Local Convergence via Active Manifold Identification”, submitted to SIAM Journal on Optimization, under first review.
  • Hongying Liu, Hao Wang∗, Haoran Chu, Yibo Wu, “ Towards Convexity in Anomaly Detection: a New Formulation of SSLM with Unique Optimal Solutions”, submitted to Journal of Machine Learning Research, under first review.
  • Luwei Bai, Yaohua Hu, Hao Wang*, Xiaoqi Yang, “ Avoiding Strict Saddle Points of Nonconvex Regularized Problems”, submitted to SIAM Journal on Optimization, under first review.
  • Xiangyu Yang, Hao Wang*, Yichen Zhu, Xiao Wang, “ Minimization Over the Nonconvex Sparsity Constraint Using A Hybrid First-order method”, submitted to Journal of Scientific Computing, under second review.
  •   Publications

      Published Journal Papers

      Published Conference Papers

      Ph.D. Dissertation

      Research Funding


      Former PhD Students

      Former Masters Students

      Current Masters Students