Recent News

July 27, 2015

Prof. Yuanfang Cai from Drexel University visited the CAD group and gave a talk titled “Detecting Architectural Debts”. In her talk, she introduced the key architectural model and a root detection algorithm, which helped locate the problematic files, and identify the design flaw in them that cause bugs to arise, propagate, and persist.

July 20, 2015

Prof. Yu Wang from Tsinghua University visited the CAD group and gave a talk titled “Energy Efficient Neural Networks on Heterogeneous Hardware”. In his talk, he introduced energy efficient implementation of neural networks’ operation phase by taking advantage of the emerging memristor (ReRAM) technique, together with some progress on FPGA based CNN implementation and GPU based DNN training.

July 7, 2015

Dr. Zhuo Li, software architect at Cadence Design Systems, visited the CAD group and gave a talk titled “The coming age of digital implementation flow for modern chip designs”. In his talk, he overviewed the EDA field, and discussed latest problems and challenges in physical implementation flow, as well as some previous published research results and latest solutions from Industry.

June 11, 2015

Group member Xiaochen Liu gave an oral presentation about noise sensor placement and voltage map generation at the 52nd DAC conference held in San Francisco.

• July 3, 2015: Dr. Haoxing Ren, Vice CTO of the newly built Suzhou PowerCore Technology Co., visited the CAD group and gave a talk titled "打造国产服务器CPU - 苏州中晟宏芯简介".

• Feb. 17, 2015:
Congratulations to Xiaochen Liu! His paper, titled "A Statistical Methodology for Noise Sensor Placement and Full-Chip Voltage Map Generation", is accepted by DAC 2015. Xiaochen will present his work at the conference held in San Francisco in this coming June.
• Jan. 26, 2015: Prof. Zhou and student Kai Liao started their visit at University of California, Berkeley, as supported by the Berkeley-ShanghaiTech-Exchange (BeSTEC) program. See the SIST news for more details.