Yutian Tang

Short Bio

Dr. Yutian Tang (Chris) [CV] is an Assistant Professor at School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University (PI, Ph.D. Supervisor, Co-Appointed Research Professor -研究员、博导). He leads the Code Analysis and Testing (CAT) Lab at ShanghaiTech University. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, under the supervision of Dr. Xiapu Luo and Dr. Hareton Leung. He received his B.Sc in Computer Science from Jilin University, under the supervision of Prof. Lan Huang. His research interests include software engineering (product line; program understanding; testing), cybersecurity, blockchain, machine learning (NLP; deep) and empirical software engineering. He is a member of IEEE, HKCS, CCF and EuroSys.

Chris has published over 20 papers at premier software engineering venues such as ESEC/FSE, ASE, SANER, ISSRE, ICPC conferences and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), IEEE Transactions on Reliability (TReli), JSS, IST journals. One work received Best Industry Paper Award at ISSRE'18. Three works reported defects in Android OS, which are confirmed by Google Security Team. His future research plans are directed towards advancing the techniques to automatically test apps and locate bugs, and providing tool support for their applications.


+1. We actively recruit new RAs, PhD students, MSc students, and PostDocs with background in program analysis, software testing, and Android apps (NLP or deep learning experiences is a plus). //See Team/Openings page

Note 1: To my prospective students: I do not care about your skill sets. I look at the attitude.

Note 2: Our current research topics : System, Fuzzing, AI+SE, Security, Android, Other SE/Security topics that you have interests.


Research Overview:

1. Android Security, Vulnerability, and Privacy

(1) Vunlerability Discovery:

  • Resource Race Attack Model in Android (SANER'20);
  • Vulnerabilities in App Link Scheme (ESEC/FSE'20);

(2) Potentially Harmful Apps (PHAs) Analysis:

  • DiehardDetector: Detecting Diehard Android Apps (ASE'20);

(3) Third-party Library Analysis:

  • APMHunter: Detecting (mis)use of Application Performance Management Libraries in Apps (ASE'19,IEEE TSE'21);
  • Comparative Study of Android Repackaged Apps Detection Techniques (SANER'19)

2. Software Product Line Enginering

  • Feature modelling (SANER'17, ICEIS"15, SOFTENG'15);
  • Modularity and type system in product line engineering (ICPC'17);

3. AI + SE

  • Knowledge graph in software engineering (ISSRE'18);

News (all/21/20/19)

  • [05/2021] Our paper entitled "A Systematical Study on Application Performance Management Libraries for Apps" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE).
  • [04/2021] Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of ESEC/FSE 2021 Artifact Track. Please consider submitting your Artifacts!
  • [04/2021] Dr. Tang was invited to give a talk at Fudan University.
  • [02/2021] The journal version of our paper QRS'20 has been accepted by IEEE Transcations on Reliability.
  • [11/2020] Our paper entitled " Just-in-Time Defect Prediction for Android Apps via Imbalanced Deep Learning Model" has been accepted by SAC Conference.
  • [10/2020] Our paper entitled " Feature Selection and Embedding Based Cross Project Framework for Identifying Crashing Fault Residence" has been accepted by IST.
  • [07/2020] Our paper entitled "Demystifying Diehard Android Apps" has been accepted by ASE'20.
  • [06/2020] Our paper entitled "Simplified Deep Forest Model based Just-In-Time Defect Prediction for Android Mobile Apps" has been accepted by QRS'20.
  • [05/2020] Our paper entitled "All Your App Links are Belong to Us: Understanding the Threats of Instant Apps based Attacks" has been accepted by ESEC/FSE'20.
  • [11/2019] Our paper entitled "Resource Race Attacks on Android" has been accepted by SANER'20.
  • [08/2019] Our paper entitled "Demystifying Application Performance Management Libraries for Android" has been accepted by ASE'19.