Closed-loop Model Checking of Cyber-Physical Systems

Ensuring the safety and efficacy of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is challenging due to the large variability of their physical environment. Model checking has been widely adopted for CPS validation. However, due to the lack of knowledge in formal methods, users of model checker often create environment models that are either too specific to capture the variability of the environment, or too abstract to provide interpretable counter-examples. In this paper, a domain-independent framework for environment model abstraction and refinement is proposed to provide interpretable counter-examples while ensuring coverage of environment behaviors. With the framework, system developers and application domain experts can rigorously and effectively utilize model checking without being an expert in formal methods. A simple case study in the automotive domain is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the framework and the soundness of our domain-independent abstraction rules.

Zhihao Jiang
Zhihao Jiang
Assistant Professor

Zhihao Jiang is the director of Human-Cyber-Physical Systems Lab at ShanghaiTech University.

Guangyao Chen
Guangyao Chen
Ph.D Candidate

Guangyao Chen is a Computer Science Ph.D candidate Class 2020 at ShanghaiTech University. He can be reached at chengy2 at

Yining She
Yining She
Ph.D Candidate

Yining She is a Computer Science undergraduate student Class 2018 at ShanghaiTech University. He is currently a Ph. D candidate at CMU.

Haochen Yang
Haochen Yang
Ph.D Candidate

Haochen Yang graduated as a Computer Science M.S Class 2020 at ShanghaiTech University.
