EE150: Signals and Systems

Course Descriptions


Signals and Systems is an introduction to analog and digital signal processing, a topic that forms an integral part of engineering systems in many diverse areas, including seismic data processing, communications, speech processing, image processing, video processing, defense electronics, consumer electronics, and consumer products.

The course presents and integrates the basic concepts for both continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Signal and system representations are developed for both time and frequency domains. These representations are related through the Fourier transform and its generalizations, which are explored in detail. Filtering and filter design, modulation, and sampling for both analog and digital systems, as well as exposition and demonstration of the basic concepts of feedback systems for both analog and digital systems, are discussed and illustrated.

This course is companioned by a lab component (EE150L: Signals and Systems Lab).


  1. Time: Tue/Thu 8:15am-9:55am, Venue: Blackboard (Bb) e-learning platform.


  1. Compulsory: Mathematical Analysis, Linear Algebra.

  2. Recommended Postrequisites: Digital Signal Processing, Statistical Signal Processing, Image Processing.

Textbooks and Optional References

  1. Signals and Systems (2nd Edition) (Pearson), by A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky, and S. Hamid.

  2. Signals and Systems Using MATLAB® (2nd Edition) (Academic Press), by L. F. Chaparro.

  3. Introduction to Signal Processing (Pearson), by S. J. Orfanidis.


Part I

  1. Signals and systems (one week)

  2. Linear time-invariant systems (one week)

  3. Fourier series (two weeks)

  4. Continuous-time Fourier transform (two weeks)

  5. Discrete-time Fourier transform (two weeks)

Part II

  1. Time and frequency characterization of signals and systems, filters design (two weeks)

  2. Sampling (two weeks)

  3. Laplace transform, circuit analysis (two weeks)

  4. Z-transform (two weeks)

Part III: Signal processing applications

  1. Signals and systems in image/video processing

  2. Signals and systems in acoustic/speech processing

  3. Signals and systems in communication/radar

  4. Signals and systems in finance

  5. Signals and systems in control/automation


20% homework, 30% mid-term exam, 50% final exam.

Academic Integrity Policy

Group study and collaboration on problem sets are encouraged, as working together is a great way to understand new materials. Students are free to discuss the homework problems with anyone under the following conditions:

  • Students must write down their own solutions. Plagiarism is never allowed. Similar answers, MATLAB codes, etc., found in HWs will invite you into suspected plagiarism investigation.

  • Students must list the names of their collaborators (i.e., anyone with whom the assignment was discussed).

  • Students can not use old solution sets from other classes under any circumstances, unless the instructor grants special permission.

Students are encouraged to read the ShanghaiTech Policy on Academic Integrity.