Ziping Zhao

The past decade has witnessed a proliferation of data, where the notion of data science plays a central role in the envisioned many technological advances. A number of applications (like the online recommendation systems, the automatic driving systems, the financial Robo-Advisor systems, etc.) involving big data have already brought huge benefits to many facets of our daily lives. Advances in data analytics motivate a systematic way to uncover the hidden insights, mining the useful information, and carrying forward inferences from these massive datasets. The overarching objective of research in our group is to wed state-of-the-art high-performance methods with the emerging big data problems, in a way that they can inspire and reinforce the development of each other, with the ultimate goal of benefiting our societies.

Some lines of research in our group include:

  • Mathematical (especially algorithmic and statistical) foundations of signal processing, machine learning, and data science

  • SP and ML for information systems (e.g., sensing, communication, imaging systems)

  • SP and ML for financial systems

  • SP and ML for biological systems