Parallel explicit tube model predictive control


  • Kai Wang, Yuning Jiang, Juraj Oravec, Mario E. Villanueva, Boris Houska.


  • In Proceedings of the
    58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
    pages 7696 - 7701, Nice, France, December, 2019.


This paper is about a parallel algorithm for tube-based model predictive control. The proposed control algorithm solves robust model control problems sub-optimally, while exploiting their structure. This is achieved by implementing a real-time algorithm that iterates between the evaluation of piecewise affine functions, corresponding to the parametric solution of small-scale robust MPC problems, and the online solution of structured equality constrained QPs. The performance of the associated real-time robust MPC controllers is illustrated by a numerical case study.



author = {Wang, K. and Jiang, Y. and Oravec, J. and Villanueva, M.E. and Houska, B.},
title = {Parallel explicit tube model predictive control},
booktitle = {In Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
year = {2019},
pages = {7696–7701},