Ziyu Shao 

Welcome to the Intelligence, Information and Decision Lab (IID Lab) @ SIST-ShanghaiTech! Our mission is to bridge theory and practice by conducting interdisciplinary research related to intelligent decision making under incomplete information, including theories, models, algorithms, analysis, and implementation, using state-of-the-art mathematical and information techniques.

We are generally interested in the following fields (see Research for recent highlights):

  • Integration of Perception Intelligence and Decision Intelligence

  • Edge Intelligence and Cloud Intelligence

  • AI for Networking and Networking for AI

  • Bandit and Reinforcement Learning

  • Multi-agent Learning and Optimization

  • Distributed AI System

  • On Device Machine Learning System

  • Embedded Intelligence

  • Embodied intelligence

Lab Members


Current Postgraduate Students

Ph.D. Students

  • Tianyi Zhang, B.S. from CS@ ShanghaiTech University.

Master Students

  • Yichi Deng(incoming), B.S. from Math@ Shanghai Jiaotong University.

  • Xinyue Yin(incoming), B.S. from CS@ Hangzhou Dianzi University.

  • Lingjie Gu, B.S. from CS@ Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology.



  • Simeng Bian, Ph.D. 2023 (B.S. from CS@ Northwestern Polytechnical University), Next Hop: Research Scientist @ Huawei.

  • Xin Gao, Ph.D. 2022 (B.S from EE@ Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Next Hop: Research Scientist @ Ant Financial Services Group.

  • Xi Huang, Ph.D. 2021 (B.S from CS@ NanJing University), Next Hop: Research Scientist @ Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Society (AIRS).


  • Shangshang Wang, M.S. 2024 (B.S. from CS@ ShanghaiTech University), Next Hop: CS PhD Student @ University of Southern California (Awarded the Prestigious Viterbi Fellowship)

  • Yintian Zhang, M.S. 2024 (B.S. from EE@ South China University of Technology), Next Hop: DiDi.

  • Ming Chen, M.S. 2024 (B.S. from CS@ Xidian University), Next Hop: United Imaging.

  • Yinxu Tang, M.S. 2023 (B.S. from CS@ ShanghaiTech University), Next Hop: CS PhD Student @ Washington University in St Louis.

  • Jianfeng Hou, M.S. 2022 (B.S. from CS@ Tongji University), Next Hop: Ant Financial Services Group (selected as the Member of Alibaba Top Talents,阿里头部计划).

  • Jingye Wang, M.S. 2022 (B.S. from CS@ South China University of Technology), Next Hop: Tencent.

  • Qiuyu Leng, M.S. 2022 (B.S. from Automation@ Northeastern University), Next Hop: Intel.

  • Junge Zhu, M.S. 2021 (B.S. from EE@ Wuhan University), Next Hop: Selected Excellent Student for Working as Civil Servant of Guangdong Province(广东省选调生).

  • Yijia Chang, M.S. 2021 (B.S. from EE@ Xidian University), Next Hop: PhD Student @ Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Selected Undergraduate

  • Bowen Xu, B.S. 2024 from CS@ ShanghaiTech University, Next Hop: CS PhD Student @ Virginia Tech.

  • Ye Tian, B.S. 2023 from CS@ ShanghaiTech University, Next Hop: CS Master Student @ University of Pennsylvania.

  • Ziheng Yang, B.S. 2023 from CS@ ShanghaiTech University, Next Hop: CS Master Student @ Wake Forest University.

  • Ruiyan Xia, B.S. 2023 from CS@ ShanghaiTech University, Next Hop: CS Master Student @ Zhejiang University.

  • Longxiulin Deng, B.S. 2022 from CS@ Cornell University, Research Assistant 2019-2020, Next Hop: CS PhD Student @ Cornell University.

  • Jia Du, B.S. 2020 from CS@ ShanghaiTech University, Next Hop: CS Master Student @ Carnegie Mellon University.

  • Feiran Jia, B.S. 2018 from CS@ ShanghaiTech University, Next Hop: CS PhD Student @ Pennsylvania State University.

Group News

  • May 2024: Shangshang Wang received the honor of Shanghai Outstanding Graduate! Congratulations!

  • May 2024: Shangshang Wang received the honor of Outstanding Graduate of ShanghaiTech University! Congratulations!

Useful Links for the Group