Journal Publications

    * Corresponding author, # Joint first authors

  1. Hongxia Li#, Zhongyi Cai#, Jingya Wang, Jiangnan Tang, Chin-Teng Lin, Ye Shi*, FedTP: Federated Learning by Transformer Personalization, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023 (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 14.225)
  2. Leijie Zhang, Ye Shi*, Yu-Cheng Chang and Chin-Teng Lin*, "Robust Fuzzy Neural Network with an Adaptive Inference Engine", accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 19.118)
  3. Leijie Zhang, Ye Shi*, Yu-Cheng Chang and Chin-Teng Lin*, "Federated Fuzzy Neural Networks with Evolutionary Rule Learning", accepted by IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2022. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 12.253)
  4. Ye Shi # , Leijie Zhang # , Zehong Cao, M. Tanveer and Chin-Teng Lin*, "Distributed Semi-supervised Fuzzy Regression with Interpolation Consistency Regularization", accepted by IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 12.253)
  5. Ye Shi*, Hoang Duong Tuan, Andrey V. Savkin, Chin-Teng Lin, Jian Guo Zhu, H. Vincent Poor, "Distributed model predictive control for joint coordination of demand response and optimal power flow with renewables in smart grid", Applied Energy, 290, 2021. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 9.746)
  6. Ye Shi, Hoang Duong Tuan*  , Trung Q. Duong, H. Vincent Poor and Andrey V. Savkin, "PMU Placement Optimization for Efficient State Estimation in Smart Grid", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 71-83, 2020. (SCI Q1, CCF A, Impact Factor 9.302)
  7. Leijie Zhang # , Ye Shi #* , Yu-Cheng Chang, and Chin-Teng Lin,"Hierarchical fuzzy neural networks with privacy preservation on heterogeneous big data", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 29, pp. 46 - 58, 2021. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 12.029)
  8. Ye Shi, Hoang Duong Tuan* and Pierre Apkarian, "Parameterized bilinear matrix inequality techniques for H ∞ gain-scheduling proportional integral derivative control design", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 30, pp. 3886-3905, 2020. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 3.953)
  9. Ye Shi* , Chin-Teng Lin, Yu-Cheng Chang, Weiping Ding, Yuhui Shi and Xin Yao, "Consensus learning for distributed fuzzy neural network in big data environment", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, vol. 5, pp. 29-41, 2021. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 4.851)
  10. Ye Shi* , Hoang Duong Tuan, Andrey V. Savkin, Trung Q. Duong and H. Vincent Poor, "Model predictive control for on-off Charging of Electrical Vehicles in Smart Grids", IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 2020. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 2.880)
  11. Ye Shi, Hoang Duong Tuan, Andrey V. Savkin, Trung Q. Duong* and H. Vincent Poor, "Model Predictive Control for Smart Grids with Multiple Electric-Vehicle Charging Stations", IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, vol. 10, pp. 2127-2136, 2019. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 10.486)
  12. Ye Shi, Hoang Duong Tuan*, Andrey V. Savkin, Steven W. Su, "Optimal Power Flow over Large-Scale Transmission Networks", Systems & Control Letters, vol. 118, pp. 16-21, 2018. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 2.624)
  13. Ye Shi, Hoang Duong Tuan* and Pierre Apkarian, "Nonconvex Spectral Optimization Algorithms for Reduced-Order H∞ LPV-LFT controllers", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 27, pp. 4421-4442, 2017. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 3.953)
  14. Ye Shi, Hoang Duong Tuan* , Hoang Tuy and Steven W. Su, "Global Optimization for Optimal Power Flow over Transmission Networks", Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 69, pp. 745-760, 2017. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 1.805)
  15. Yu-Cheng Chang, Ye Shi, Anna Dostovalova, Zehong Cao, Chin-Teng Lin*, Daniel Gibbons, Jijoong Kim, "Interpretable Fuzzy Logic Control for Multi-Robot Coordination in a Cluttered Environment", accepted by IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 12.253)
  16. Ruiheng Zhang, Lixin Xu, Zhengyu Yu, Ye Shi, Chengpo Mu, Min Xu* , "Deep- IRTarget: An Automatic Target Detector in Infrared Imagery using Dual-domain Feature Extraction and Allocation", accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2021. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 6.051)

Conference Publications

  1. Haixiang Sun, Ye Shi*, Jingya Wang, Hoang Duong Tuan, H.V. Poor, Dacheng Tao, "Alternating Differentiation for Optimization Layers", accepted by ICLR 2023.
  2. Juze Zhang, Ye Shi*, Yuexin Ma, Lan Xu, Jingyi Yu, Jingya Wang*, "IKOL: Inverse kinematics optimization layer for 3D human pose and shape estimation via Gauss-Newton differentiation", accepted by AAAI 2023. (CCF A, Oral)
  3. Chunlin Yu, Ye Shi and Jingya Wang*, "Beyond Rehearsal: Lifelong Person Re-Identification via Knowledge Refreshing and Consolidation", accepted by AAAI 2023. (CCF A, Oral)
  4. Qi Li#, Pengchao Tian#, Ye Shi*, Yuanming Shi and Hoang Duong Tuan, "Distributionally Robust Optimization for Vehicle-to-grid with Uncertain Renewable Energy", accepted by ICCAIS 2022(Oral).
  5. Wanxing Chang, Ye Shi*, Jingya Wang*, Hoang Duong Tuan, "Unified Optimal Transport Framework for Universal Domain Adaptation", accepted by NeurIPS 2022. (CCF A,Spotlight)
  6. Juze Zhang, Jingya Wang*, Ye Shi*, Lan Xu, Fei Gao, Jingyi Yu, "Mutual Adaptive Reasoning for Monocular 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation", accepted by ACM MM 2022. (CCF A)
  7. Ye Shi*, Hoang Duong Tuan, and Andrey V. Savkin, "Mixed integer nonlinear programming for Joint Coordination of Plug-in Electrical Vehicles Charging and Smart Grid Operations", the 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids, 2019, Beijing, China.
  8. Ye Shi, Hoang Duong Tuan*, and Andrey V. Savkin, "Three-phase Optimal Power Flow for Smart Grids by Iterative Nonsmooth Optimization", the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, 2017, Porto, Portugal.
  9. Ye Shi*, Hoang Duong Tuan, and Steven W. Su, "Nonconvex Spectral Algorithm for Solving BMI on the Reduced Order H ∞ Control", the 6th IEEE International Conference on Control Systems, Computing and Engineering, 2016, Penang, Malaysia. (Best Paper Award)
  10. Ye Shi, Hoang Duong Tuan* , Steven W. Su, and Andrey V. Savkin, "Multiple Matrix Rank Constrained Optimization for Optimal Power Flow over Large Scale Transmission Networks", proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, vol. 1, pp. 384-389, 2016, Rome, Italy.
  11. Ye Shi*, Hoang Duong Tuan, Steven W. Su and H. H. M. Tam, "Nonsmooth Optimization for Optimal Power Flow over Transmission Networks", the 3rd IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, pp. 1141-1144, 2015, Orlando, America.

Papers Under Review

  1. Zhi Cao, Ye Shi*, Chin-Teng Lin and Xin Yao, ”Interpretable twin fuzzy networks for weakly-supervised anomaly detection”, under review in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2021. (SCI Q1, Impact Factor 12.029)