A CTL Model Checker for Sequential Programs
PuMoC has been tested mainly on Linux distributions and Windows Cygwin.
PuMoC is implemented in C programming language.
Tips for installing PuMoC on Linux or Cygwin.
Download the source code for PuMoC, first install the cudd library using the following commands. PuMoC is equiped with cudd-2.4.2. Up-to-date versions can be obtained from the CU Decision Diagram Package .
tar -zxvf PuMoC.tar.gz
cd PuMoC/cudd-2.4.2
Copy object files libcudd.a, libepd.a, libmtr.a, libst.a, libutil.a from the directory cudd, epd, mtr, st, util to the directory lib in cudd-2.4.2 by the following commands:
cp -i cudd/libcudd.a lib/
cp -i epd/libepd.a lib/
cp -i mtr/libmtr.a lib/
cp -i st/libst.a lib/
cp -i util/libutil.a lib/
Now, you can install PuMoC by the commands:
Now, you can evaluate an example: ./PuMoC -l2 test/quick start.abpds.
Here -l2
specifies checking the emptiness of the alternating Buechi pushdown system quick start.abpds
Copyright © 2011-2012 LIAFA, University of Paris Diderot and CNRS.