About the Group                                                                       

Our group conducts research primarily in computer engineering, the interdisciplinary field between computer science and electrical engineering. Some specific problems that we are currently working on include AI for IC, domain-specific accelerators, optical neutral networks and hardware security. For a quick (incomplete) introduction of our recent and past group research, you can click current projects[past projects].

Recent News:

  • ● 2023/04 Yankun's paper was accepted by GLSVLSI 2024.
  • ● 2023/10 Hongjian's paper was accepted by ASP-DAC 2024, and won the Best Paper Award Nomination!
  • ● 2023/9: Three new students, Lihua An, Yun Hu and Shanlai Wang joined our group as doctoral students. Welcome!
  • ● 2023/9: Two new students, Yikai Liu and Jiayi Li joined our group as master students. Welcome!
  • ● 2023/5: Three master students, Yang Li, Yuanchen Qu, and Ziwen Li, defended their master theses. Congratulations! Yang,               Yuanchen, and Ziwen will join Novosense, Vastai Tech and GigaDevice in this July respectively.
  • ● 2023/03 One paper was accepted by GLSVLSI 2023.
  • ● 2022/11 Yuanchen's paper was accepted by DATE 2023, and won the Best Paper Award Nomination
  • ● 2022/9: Three new students, Wanzheng Weng, Xin Xiong and Zi'ang Ge joined our group as master students. Welcome!
  • ● 2022/5: One doctoral student, Yu Ma, defended his doctor thesis. Two master students, Chengrui Zhang and Jinxin Dong,                defended their master theses. Congratulations! Yu Ma will join AMD in this July; Chengrui Zhang will join the Ph.D. program at       Nanyang Technological University in this September; and Jinxin Dong is applying to study abroad for Ph.D.
  • ● 2021/9: Three new students, Yankun Zhu, Jiang Sun and Hongjian Zhou joined our group as master students. Welcome!
  • ● 2021/6: One paper was accepted by GLSVLSI 2021.
  • ● 2021/5: Three master students, Chenguang Zhang, Linfeng Zheng and Yuan Liu, defended their master theses. Congratulations!     Chenguang will join the Ph.D. program at Peking University in this September; Linfeng and Yuan will join Baidu and Cadence in        this July respectively.
  • ● 2021/3: Linfeng won the best poster award at CSTIC 2021.
  • ● 2020/10: One paper was accepted by AsianHOST 2020.
  • ● 2020/9: Two papers were accepted by ASP-DAC 2021.
  • ● 2020/9: Four new students, Huifan Zhang, Yuanchen Qu, Ziwen Li and Yang Li, joined our group as master students. Welcome!
  • ● 2020/8: Three papers were accepted by ICSICT 2020.
  • ● 2020/5: One master students, Lu Wang defended her master thesis. Congratulations! Lu Wang will join Cadence in this July.
  • ● 2020/4: One paper was accepted by IEEE Access.
  • ● 2020/2: One paper was accepted by TODAES.
  • ● 2020/1: Group members took part in the 25th ASP-DAC in Beijing.
  • ● 2019/9: Three new students, Chengrui Zhang, Jinxin Dong and Jindong Zhou, joined our group as master students. Welcome!
  • ● 2019/8: Group members took part in the CCF Dragonstar program in Chengdu.
  • ● 2019/7: Three papers were accepted by ASICON 2019.
  • ● 2019/6/6: Our joint team w/ Zhejiang Univ. won 3rd place in the GPU group@DAC
  •     SDC contest.
  • ● 2019/5/20: Two doctoral students (Wei Gao and Leilei Wang) and two master students (Dingcheng Jia and Yajun Yang) defended    their dissertations. Congratulations! Wei Gao and Leilei Wang will join Baidu this summer; Dingcheng Jia and Yajun Yang will join    Marvell and ARM in this July respectively.
  • ● 2019/5/2: One paper was accepted by IEEE Access.
  • ● 2018/11/8: One paper was accepted by DATE 2019 as long presentation.
  • ● 2018/9: Three new students, Linfeng Zheng, Yuan Liu and Chengguang Zhang, joined our group as master students. Welcome!
  • ● 2018/8/27: One paper was accepted by TCAD.
  • ● 2018/6/5: Yaguang Li presented his work at DAC 2018.
  • ●2018/5/18: Three master students, Yaguang Li, Jiuxin Zhang and Hui Zhao, defended their master theses. Congratulations!     Yaguang will join the Ph.D. program at Texas A&M university in this September; Jiuxin and Hui will join Cadence and AMD in this     July respectively.
  • ● 2018/5/4: Three papers were accepted by Integration, the VLSI journal.