News & Updates

December 29, 2020: Our invited review "An Overview of Spintronic True Random Number Generator" has been accepted by Frontiers in Physics. Congrats Zhenxiao!

December 17, 2020: Dr. Amit Shukla accepted the postdoc position in the group. He obtained the PhD from Osaka University under the supervision of Prof. Yoshishige Suzuki in 2018. Amit will continue his work on voltage controlled magnetic anistropy and magnetic tunnel junctions. Welcome Amit!

November 20, 2020: Prof. Haomin Wang from Shanghai Insitute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) visited the group and gave an invited seminar about his research on graphene based electronics. Thanks!

November 15, 2020: We finished the installation of gas pipelines in SIT Lab for the incoming deposition tools. Cheers!

November 4, 2020: Our funding application for Shanghai Pujiang Program was awarded. We will further boost the performance of spintronic sensors as well as explore new sensor applications. Congrats!

September 18, 2020: Our funding application for General Program in National Natural Science foundation of China was awarded. We will be exploring the magnetization switching through the spin orbit torques generated by spin anomalous Hall effect. Congrats!

September 7, 2020: Two academic master students Zhenxiao Fu and Yijun Qian, and one project (with HLMC) master student Jialun Yao joined the group. Welcome!

August 14, 2020: We finished the renovation of SIT Lab. It now has a class 1000 cleanroom (~100 m2) to accomodate the incoming deposition tools. Cheers!