News & Updates
Janurary 6, 2021: Dr. Yang survived the first year as an assistant professor (i) taught EE221 Solid State Physics and EE221 Introduction to Nanoelectronics; (ii) partially finished the infrastructure construction of the lab at SIST 1B-B101. More to go!
February 12, 2021: Our collaboration prespectives with Prof. Yihong Wu from National University of Singapore (NUS) "Charge-spin interconversion and its applications in magnetic sensing" has been published online Journal of Applied Physics. It is a enlightening summary of the past few years of research on spin orbit torque applications in magnetic sensors.

February 19, 2021: Dr. Yang got the driving liscence, and finally became legal to take off on the road. Cheers!
March 11, 2021: Our collaboration work "Gate-All-Around MOSFET Built on Void Embedded Silicon on Insulator Substrate" with Prof. Zhiqiang Mu at SIMIT, CAS has been accepted by IEEE Electron Device Letters. Congrats!

April 23, 2021: The MOKE Probe Station has been delivered, installed and commissioned. Cheers!

May 25, 2021: Visting PhD student Huishan Wang in our group successfully defended his PhD thesis entittled "Synthesis and transport properties of graphene nanoribbon embedded in hexagonal boron nitride". Huishan is from Prof. Haomin Wang's group at SIMIT, CAS. He will continue the stay in our group till end of July. Big congrats!

June 4, 2021: Dr. Yang visited his alma mater Sichuan University, and gathered with his undergraduate mentor Prof. Xiaosong Sun and the current group members.